13 April 2008

Not just another birthday

When it comes to birthdays and when it comes to having a good time, we can be relied on for that. I was asked, but my sisters what I wanted for my birthday this year and mentioned that a nice lunch would cut it just fine. That appeared to go down really well, so off we tootled. Mom was up in Jo'burg for the week, so this also was very convenient - as she then also didn't need to think of a pressie for me. Before we got to the place, there were a couple of misunderstandings as only there can be in our family, but be that as it may, we eventually understood that Angie didn't actually have 2 farewell parties to go to before 2 o'clock in the afternoon! I said that I would like to go somewhere where we can eat for a long time and drink for a long time, so decided on the Grace. Well, the Grace, on a Saturday, is a la carte! So after getting there and leaving very quickly, we schlepped halfway cross town to the Indaba. This proved to be just right and we had the whole 300 seater dining room to ourselves and made good weather of the "eat for a long time and drink for a long time" request.

Ally, who is rather special, also came across a special assistance loo - which was just fabulous.

Drinking a lot!


Angela said...

You see now - I just can't do that with my cleavage!

Cathy said...

You are just jealous, cause I can!